1. Yue-Feng She and Guang-Liang Zhou, Numbers represented by restricted sums of four squares, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 54 (2024), no. 4, 1141-1147.
2. Yue-Feng She and Hai-Liang Wu, On additive decompositions of primitive elements in finite fields, Int. J. Number Theory 20 (2024), no. 2, 603-613.
3. Hai-Liang Wu and Yue-Feng She*, Additive decompositions of cubes in finite fields, Ramanujan J. 62 (2023), no. 3, 719-734.
4. Yue-Feng She and Han Wang, On some Toeplitz-type matrices over finite fields, Finite Fileds Appl. 91 (2023), Article 102268.
5. Hai-Liang Wu, Yue-Feng She* and Li-Yuan Wang, Cyclotomic matrices and hypergeometric functions over finite fields, Finite Fields Appl. 70 (2022), Article 102054.
6. Yue-Feng She and Hai-Liang Wu, Sums of four squares with a certain restriction, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 104 (2021), no. 2, 218-227.