

(1) Yifu Song, Yushun Wang. Energy-preserving algorithms for the Benjamin equation, Journal
of Scientific Computing, 2017, 72(2): 605-622.
(2) Huaifa Ma, Yifu Song, Changgen Bu and Yusheng Yang. Symmetrized splitting operator method
for dynamic consolidation problem of saturated porous semi-infinite foundation, Soil Dynamics and
Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 126(11): 105803.
(3) Yifu SongHuai Zhang and Wenjun Cai. Linear-implicit and energy-preserving schemes for the
Benjamin-type equations, International Journal of Computer Mathematic, 2020, 97(11): 2191-2209.

(4) Xin Chen, Yifu Song, Yu Shao, et al. Optimistic value-based optimal control problems 

with uncertain discrete-time noncausal systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2023.

(5) Chenlei Tian, Yifu Song, Jing Cao and Ting Jin. A novel class of fractional Adams method
for solving uncertain fractional differential equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation,2023.