

18.  W. Wei, T. Shi, S. Nie, X,-P, Chen. On adaptive block coordinate descent methods for regression. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2023, 42:315.

17.  W. Wei, X.-P. Chen, X.-Y. Shi, A. Luo. A shift-deflation technique for computing a large quantity of eigenpairs of the generalized eigenvalue problems. Symmetry-Basel, 2022, 14(12): 2547.

16.  X.-P Chen, W. Wei, X.-Y. Shi, A. Luo. Spectral distribution and numerical methods for rational eigenvalue problems. Symmetry-Basel, 2022, 14(6): 1270.

15.  魏伟, 宋逸夫. 新时代背景下《计算方法》课程多元化教学改革探索. 高等教育前沿, 2022, 5(8): 166-167.

14.  X.-P Chen, W. Wei, X.-M. Pan. Modified successive approximation methods for the nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2021, 164: 190-198.

13.  W. Wei, Hui Zhang, X. Yang, X.-P. Chen. Randomized generalized singular value decomposition. Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021, 3(1), 137:156.

12.  宋环环, 魏伟, 陈小平. 求解非线性特征值问题逐次近似方法的收敛性. 扬州大学学报. 2020, 5: 23-28.

11.  X.-P. Chen, W. Wei, X. Yang, H. Liu. Successive linear Newton interpolation methods for solving the large-scale nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2020, 387: 124663.

10. W. Wei, H. Dai, W.-T. Liang. Block updating and downdating algorithms for regularized least squares problems with applications to linear discriminant analysis. East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2020, 10(4): 679-697.

9.  W. Wei, H. Dai, W.-T. Liang. A novel projected gradient-like method for optimization problems with simple constraints. Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2020, 39(3): 168.

8. W. Wei, H. Dai, W.-T. Liang. Regularized least squares locality preserving projections with applications to image recognition. Neural Networks, 2020, 128: 322-330.

7.  W. Wei, H. Dai, W.-T. Liang. Exponential sparsity preserving projection with applications to image recognition. Pattern Recognition, 2020, 104: 107357.

6. X.-P. Chen, X. Yang, W. Wei, J. Cao, S. Tang. A novel method to compute all eigenvalues of the polynomial eigenvalue problems in an open half plane. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2019, 38(2): 28.

5.  W. Wei, H. Dai. Implicitly restarted refined generalized Arnoldi method with deflation for polynomial eigenvalue problem. East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2018, 8(1): 82-99.

4.  戴华, 魏伟. 基于测量试验数据修正有限元模型质量矩阵. 南京航空航天大学学报, 2017, 49(5): 606-611.

3. W. Wei, H. Dai. Implicitly restarted refined partially orthogonal projection method with deflation. East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2017, 7(1): 1-20.

2.  X.-P. Chen, H. Dai, W. Wei. Successive mth approximation method for the nonlinear eigenvalue problem. Computation and Applied Mathematics, 2017, 36(2): 1009-1021.

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