1. 学术论文
[1] R. Zhang, R. Li, P. Xu, W. Zhong, Y. Zhang, Z. Luo, B. Xiang*, Thermochromic smart window utilizing passive radiative cooling for Self-Adaptive thermoregulation, Chem. Eng. J. 471 (2023) 144527.
[2] R. Zhang, B. Xiang, Y. Wang, S. Tang*, X. Meng*, A lotus-inspired 3D biomimetic design toward an advanced solar steam evaporator with ultrahigh efficiency and remarkable stability, Mater. Horiz. 9(4) (2022) 1232-1242.
[3] R. Zhang, B. Xiang, Y. Shen, L. Xia, L. Xu*, Q. Guan*, S. Tang*, Energy-efficient smart window based on a thermochromic microgel with ultrahigh visible transparency and infrared transmittance modulation, J Mater. Chem. A 9(32) (2021) 17481-17491.
[4] R. Zhang, Y. Zhou, B. Xiang, X. Zeng, Y. Luo, X. Meng*, S. Tang*, Scalable Carbon Black Enhanced Nanofiber Network Films for High-Efficiency Solar Steam Generation, Adv. Mater. Interfaces (2021) 2101160.
[5] B. Xiang, R. Zhang*, X. Zeng, Y. Luo, Z. Luo*, An easy-to-prepare flexible dual-mode fiber membrane for daytime outdoor thermal management, Adv. Fiber Mater. 4(5) (2022) 1058-1068.
[6] B. Xiang, R. Zhang, Y. Luo, S. Zhang, L. Xu, H. Min, S. Tang*, X. Meng*, 3D porous polymer film with designed pore architecture and auto-deposited SiO2 for highly efficient passive radiative cooling, Nano Energy 81(1) (2021) 105600.
[7] R. Zhang, S. Hu, C. Lu*, Z. Xu*, Bandgap engineering of Gd0.8Ca0.2BaCo2O5+δ double perovskite for photocatalysis applications, Ceram. Int. 44(13) (2018) 15483-15489.
[8] R. Zhang, B. Xiang*, M. Feng, Y. Xu, L. Xu, L. Xia, Design of VO2-based photoactuators for smart windows, J. Mater. Sci. 55(24) (2020) 10689-10698.
[9] R. Zhang, B. Xiang, L. Xu, L. Xia*, C. Lu*, Density functional theory (DFT) investigation on the structure and photocatalysis properties of double-perovskite Gd1-xCaxBaCo2O5+δ, RSC. Adv. 9(35) (2019) 20161-20168.
[10] R. Zhang, J. Xu, C. Lu*, Z. Xu*, Photothermal application of SmCoO3/SBA-15 catalysts synthesized by impregnation method, Mater. Lett. 228 (2018) 199-202.
[11] R. Zhang, Y. Lu, L. Wei, Z. Fang, C. Lu*, Y. Ni, Z. Xu*, S. Tao, P. Li, Synthesis and conductivity properties of Gd0.8Ca0.2BaCo2O5+δ double perovskite by sol–gel combustion, J. Mater. Sci.-Mater. El. 26(12) (2015) 9941-9948.
[12] P. Yang, R. Zhang, W. Long, Y. Song, L. Chen, Z. Xia*, S. Tang*, Porous-tube arrays with electron-correlated strong synergy of sulfide/ phosphide heterostructures for ultrahigh-capacity and stable battery, J Alloy. Compd. 935 (2023) 168077.
[13]P. Xu, B. Xiang, W. Zhong, Y. Wu, Y. Zhang, Y. Chang, W. Lei*, R. Zhang*, Biodegradable, scalable and flexible fiber membrane for green passive radiative cooling, Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C 253 (2023) 112209.
[14] Y. Lu, R. Zhang, L. Wei, C. Lu*, Y. Ni*, Z. Xu*, Specific features of spectral and electrical properties of double-perovskite LnBaCo2O5+δ (Ln= lanthanides) under solar irradiation, Ceram. Int. 43(1) (2017) 1186-1192.
[15] K. Cao, H. Xu, R. Zhang, D. Xu, L. Yan, Y. Sun, L. Xia, J. Zhao, Z. Zou*, E. Bao*, Renewable and sustainable strategies for improving the thermal environment of Chinese solar greenhouses, Energ. Buildings 202 (2019) 109414.
[16] Y. Lu, L. Sun, L. Wei, R. Zhang, C. Lu, Y. Ni, Z. Xu*, C. Wong*, Influence of annealing atmosphere on the electrical and spectral properties of Gd0.8Ca0.2BaCo2O5+δ ceramic,J. Mater. Sci. 52(7) (2017) 3794-3805.
[17] Y. Lu, R. Zhang, L. Wei, C. Lu, Y. Ni, Z. Xu*, S. Tao*, P. Li*, Novel spectral properties for La0.7Ca0.3CrO3 ceramics by Mo6+ doping, J. Mater. Sci.-Mater. El. 27(3) (2016) 2412-2418.
[18] Y. Lu, R. Zhang, L. Wei, C. Lu*, Z. Fang, Y. Ni, Z. Xu*, S. Tao*, Tuning the electrical and optical properties of Gd1-xCaxBaCo2O5+δ (x=0–0.5) using solar energy, Mater. Chem. Phys. 176 (2016) 44-51.
[19] Y. Lu, L. Chen, L. Wei, R. Zhang, Z. Fang, C. Lu*, Y. Ni, Z. Xu*, S. Tao, A novel stimulation: Tailoring conductivity transition in Gd1−xCaxBaCo2O5+δ (x=0–0.4) by microwave stimulation, Mater. Lett. 159 (2015) 28-31.
[20] B. Xiang, P. Xu, Y. Chang, Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, W. Zhong, W. Lei, R. Zhang*, Biodegradable radiative cooling membrane based on electrospun silk fibroin fiber, Polym. Advan. Technol. 34(5) (2023) 1716-1722.
[21] L. Wei, Y. Lu, Z. Fang, R. Zhang, D. Ma, C. Lu*, Z. Xu*, S. Tao*, Novel solar absorptive and infrared reflective properties of Cu-doped Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3−δ, J. Mater. Sci.-Mater. El. 27 (2016) 11777-11782.
2. 发明专利
[1] 光热形状记忆功能材料、制备方法及其应用, 2022-6-17, 中国, ZL202010441920.2;
[2] 具有热致变色效应的材料及其制备方法和热致变色智能窗, 2019-11-08, 中国, CN201911088976.8;
[3] 一种具有微波热效应的材料及其制备方法, 2018-8-28, 中国, CN201810989497.2;
[4] 一种超声波强化连续浸出装置, 2022-1-28, 中国, 202122410128.3;
[5] 一种绝缘降温复合薄膜, 2021-2-5, 中国, CN202110156686.3;
[6] 一种三维多孔纳米复合降温薄膜的规模化制备方法, 2021-2-4, 中国, CN202110150147.9;
[7] 一种辐射冷却抗菌面料及其制备方法, 2021-2-3, 中国,CN202110146770.7;
[8] 一种石墨烯/铝复合材料散热薄膜的制备方法, 2021-2-5,中国, CN202110156748.0;
[9] 一种光热复合薄膜材料及仿生浮萍式海水淡化装置, 2020-11-10,中国, CN202011250133.6。
3. 教改论文
[1] 张荣,浅析《复合材料》课程的教学现状及多维度教学模式探索,中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学,2023年,第3期,0063-0065。