

[1] Fei Song, Yuping Wang, Shahrbanoo Akbarpoor, Inverse nodal problems for Dirac operators and their numerical approximationsElectronic Journal of Differential Equations2023, 81: 1-15.

[2] Xiaoxiao He, Fei Song, Weibing Deng, stabilized nonconforming Nitsche's extended finite element method for Stokes interface problemsDiscrete and  Continuous  

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[3] Yong Tan, Haoze Ni, Fei Song, Yuping Wang, Numerical Solutions of Inverse Nodal Problems for Boundary Value Problem, Mathematics, 2022, 10(22): 4204.

[4] Xiaoxiao He, Fei Song, Weibing Deng, A Well-Conditioned, Nonconforming Nitsche's Extended Finite Element Method for Elliptic Interface Problems, 

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[5] Fei Song, Xiaoxiao He, Zhen Zhang, A combined multiscale finite element method based on the rectangle mesh for the multiscale elliptic problems, Numerical Mathematics: A Journal of Chinese Universities, 2018, 40: 364-384.

[6] Fei Song, Weibing Deng, Multiscale discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin method for the multiscale elliptic problems, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations2018, 34: 184-210. 

[7] Fei Song, Weibing Deng, Haijun Wu, A combined finite element and oversampling multiscale Petrov Galerkin method for the multiscale elliptic problems with singularities, Journal of Computatinal Physics, 2016, 305: 722-743.